“But I Can Carry You”: A Star Wars: Bloodline Fanfiction

Suprise!! It’s a completely random mid-week post, a special treat for you!!

I’ve actually got something super special that I’ve never done for TEP before for ya today, and that is… a fanfiction!! This is a little thing that I wrote shortly after reading Claudia Gray’s Star Wars: Bloodline.

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LIGHTPORTER by C. B. Cook!! Blog Tour + Review!


Now I know I’ve been doing a lot of not-Star Wars and not-Tolkien things on this blog lately, even though the reason this site exists is to share the love of those two fandoms with the world. But I do like to sometimes take a light break from Star Wars and Tolkien in related stories, and the IDIA books are definitely worth it. Besides, C. B. Cook, the author of this superhero series, is a huge fangirl, so it totally counts!!

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My Favorite People in A Galaxy Far, Far Away

Obsessing over fictional characters is one of my favorite things to do. Their sacrifices and heroism inspire me, and their mistakes teach other lessons while making me love them more because I can often relate to their weak moments. I like analyzing why they make the choices they do in order to understand them better, which also helps me empathize with other people. Sometimes I can easily tell who is going to be my favorite character as soon as I see them, other times it takes a while for them to grow on me. But once I decide I love a character, it’s not often I change my mind. My list of favorite characters is very long, so in this post, I will be limiting it to a few of my favorites from the Star Wars universe. And these are in no particular order of favorites because it is very hard for me to rank characters, other than Leia, Han, and Luke who are usually my top favorites.

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Ezra Bridger, Hope of Lothal

Even though the adventures of the Ghost crew have ended for the moment, I’m definitely not ready to stop talking about them. As I thought through everything that happened with the last few episodes, I kept coming back to how stinking proud I am of our “Blueberry”. He’s changed so much, that when I go back and watch “Spark of  Rebellion”, he hardly seems like the same person. (Aside from his unique sense of humor and dorkiness, which will always be a part of him.) In this post dedicated to him, I want to go through some of the main ways he’s grown through the series and some of my favorite Ezra moments.

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A Farewell to Star Wars Rebels: part 1

In just a few days, the amazing show Star Wars Rebels will come to its conclusion.

We’ve had four seasons of the Ghost crew and their fight against the Empire, each member learning as they overcame challenges of all kinds together. I started watching this show only a year ago, and even though I know the Finale is going to be fantastic and well-thought out, I am extremely sad that it’s ending. It will be missed greatly. In honor of Rebels, the team of The Elven Padawan – Shay, Kitten, and I, Audrey – talk about our favorite characters, episodes, and why we love Rebels so much.

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Why Fandoms are Important to Me

“Fairytales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten.” 

– G. K. Chesterton

To some people, books and movies are just books and movies. A way to entertain themselves, maybe use their imaginations for a short time and then go back to normal life. That’s not how it works for me.

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